Surtur Death Squad - Our Clan
  /  How to Join Us

How to Join Us

How to Join Surtur Death Squad (SDS) clan

To join Surtur Death Squad clan, you need to have the following requirements mentioned below.
*Updated 17th July 2023


  1. To login daily and utilise the 3 bonus games for Clan Wars
  2. Minimum of 30k points per week(probation 2 weeks)
  3. Disciplined and committed for Clan Wars
  4. Willing to play together with clan members with Mic on, especially for Battle Royale
  5. Able to follow the strategies as advised by Clan Master/Vice Master on the Clan War nodes
  6. Respect all players and no emotes after killing (this is toxic)
  7. Add Clan Master as friend for communication and updates
  8. If you are not in our main WhatsApp chat, you can use clan chat in the game to communicate


  1. Sponsored BP for contributing 30k points weekly(3 weeks minimum)
  2. Awards for best performing soldiers (CP) and SDS merchandise (minimum 5 weeks in clan)
  3. Random CP rewards for node capturing(not often, depending on difficulty of node)
  4. Free SDS high quality stickers & merchandise(New sticker designs coming up for 2023)
  5. 880CP reward for achieving 30k/week for 2 continuous clan wars week (Claimable once in a season)
Sponsored Battlepass Requirement 
  1. Basic Battlepass (400CP) – Weekly contribution points of 30k minimum with effect from 9 Nov 2021 till end of every season/series
  2. Minimum of 2 weeks continuous contribution
  3. SDS clan tag is a must for benefits

In case of any discrepancy, please raise the issue to the clan master and vice masters.

Use the form below to submit your application.
Before submitting your application, ensure your profile history is set to visible.
Any streamer mode, hidden history will be automatically rejected.